How to write an accurate Plan of action for Amazon

Writing a convincing Action Plan for Amazon is not easy and requires precision, accuracy and expertise.

The EU regulation 2019/1150, which came into effect on the 12 of July 2020, requires the marketplaces to be more specific in case of a suspension; nevertheless in order to write a correct plan of action it is necessary to explain deeply the reasons, the actions taken to solve the issues, and the preventive measures. Once sent, it is the Seller Performance Team or the account health support team that review your Plan of action.

Some Sellers decide to rely on lawyers in order to reactivate the account by starting an international suit against Inc. This decision might require you a lot of time and money and in some cases it might be useless because in the majority of suspensions it is the Seller that violated some policies written in the Amazon Business Solution contract signed at the opening of the account. As a consequence, it is not necessary to rely on lawyers: we suggest you to ask for the help from Amazon consultants, experts in Plans of action.

If you send a wrong plan of action you are wasting time, it is stressful and you cannot sell online. Moreover, you cannot transfer the funds blocked.

The format of a Plan of action

According to Amazon, a Plan of action must responds to 3 main questions:

1) What is the root cause of the issue?
2) What are the actions taken to solve the issue?
3) What are the actions taken to prevent the same issue from happening again in the future?

The most common mistakes in a Plan of action

When Sellers try to send a plan of action they get nervous and anxious, and as a consequence they might make some mistakes before, during and after sending the plan of action. Sometimes the situation get worse and there are negative consequences on the online business. In other cases the confusion depends also on the online forum or groups on Social Media.

According to our experience as Amazon’s consultants, Sellers might commit several mistakes when writing a Plan of action (POA).
In the following paragraph we provide you a list of the most common mistakes organized in different types.


  • no strategy before writing a Plan of action;
  • writing a short and vague Plan of action;
  • writing a Plan of action too large;
  • a confused Plan of action;
  • writing a Plan of action full of grammatical mistakes;
  • offending Amazon in the Plan of action;
  • writing false declarations, taken from other Plans of action or from Amazon Seller Forums;
  • copying what it is written in a Plan of action found online (each Plan of action is different from the other as there are different reasons for a deactivation).


  • false documents (e.g. invoices);
  • documents tampered with Photoshop;
  • documents scanned in a wrong way that are illegible;
  • documents that Amazon did not require you.


  • finding online guides with instructions to write a plan of action;
  • deciding to rely on consultants with few experience with Plans of action;
  • trusting in the account manager (who has different skills, not accurate for a Plan of action);
  • sending lots of Plan of action without waiting for a response to the previous one (for example sending a plan of action day after day);
  • sending lots of plans of action that are totally different one from the other;
  • sending the plan of action directly to Jeff Bezos, the Amazon’s owner, and asking for an “escalation” of the case;
  • opening a second Seller account in order to bypass the problem.

How can we help you?

If you do not know how to write a plan of action or you have already made one of the mistakes indicated above, just contact us for a plan of action and you will sell online again!

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