Consequences of the suspension

What happens when an Amazon account is suspended

When you lose the selling privileges it means that your Amazon Seller Central account has been suspended, blocked or deactivated. It is the consequence of one or more violations and your business might be affected negatively, especially if your online revenues depend on sales on Amazon.

When you start to sell in a marketplace like Amazon you need to invest in items and human resources. As a consequence your investment might overcome thousands of euros. It is for this reason that the suspension of your account might represent an economic damage, the lost of money, and a threat for your company. Moreover, the suspension might last for days, weeks, months, or years! It depends on when the Amazon Seller Performance Team accepts the Plan of action.

As follows we indicate the most frequent consequences of the deactivation of the Seller Central account:

  • lost of revenues because you cannot sell on one or more Amazon’s markets;
  • you cannot modify the product’s page if you are the creator of it;
  • funds will not be transferred: the money collected for sales already done will not be transferred to the seller’s bank account, even after the 90 days indicated by Amazon. The consequences will be double: no revenues and the lost of investments;
  • the products sold with FBA remain blocked: the products that you have already sent to Amazon’s storehouse remain blocked;
  • you must pay the monthly fee to Amazon;
  • sometimes you cannot enter into your Seller Central account: your access data will not be accepted.

Do you need help to reactivate your Amazon account?

It is important to create a correct Plan of action as soon as possible. If you need help, just contact us for a quote.

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