
In this section we have put some answers to your frequent questions about a plan of action and our services.

Amazon account

Q: I have a Buyer account on Amazon. Today my account has been deactivated and I can no longer buy items. Could you help me, please?
A: No, we cannot help you. Our service is focused only on companies (b2b) that use Amazon for selling their products and are professional Amazon Sellers.

Q: Amazon has deactivated suddenly our Seller account. What we need to do?
A: Just contact us by filling in the form in this page!

Q: Our account has been deactivated but we are not able to understand exactly the cause. What we need to do?
A: Just contact us by filling in the form in this page! In addition, send us an email at the address [email protected] and attach the notification received from Amazon about the reactivation of your account.

Q: My Seller account has been deactivated/suspended. May I create a new Amazon Seller account?
A: No, you cannot. Amazon does not authorize you to have two or more Seller accounts.

Q: Is it possible to reopen an Amazon Seller account closed definitively?
A: Yes, you can, as it is explained in the page Amazon Account closed definitively.

Q: May I open another Amazon Seller account with another company with different VAT?
A: Yes, you can, but it is risky. We suggest you to contact us and ask for a specific consultation.

Q: Why Amazon’s notifications are unclear and not precise?
A: Because, as explained in some emails, Amazon “for privacy reasons, we cannot provide you more details on our methods”.

Q: Where do Amazon’s calls come from?
A: Amazon calls you from different numbers. Even if the need for support is done from Amazon.it, sometimes they are from foreign Countries (Uk, Norway, etc …) and other times they are private numbers.

Q: What is Amazon’s phone number?
A: Amazon does not have a phone number. If you need support or help you should enter to your account and ask to be called or to send you an email.

Q: When you receive the call from the Amazon Support, what does the voice recorded say?
A: The message is: “If you did not request this call, you may press the pound key (#) to block future calls. Thank you for contacting Amazon Support. In order to proceed with your call please enter the following three-digit number from your phone’s keyboard […] or press hash (#) to repeat this message”.

Amazon handling time

Q: How much days does Amazon need to send a response to the Plan of action?
A: It depends on the Department’s amount of work. Sometimes they send a notification after 30 minutes; other times they let you know after 3 days.

Q: How much days does Amazon need to reactivate the account?
A: Sometimes the account is reactivated 30 minutes after sending the plan of action.

About our company

Q: Who you are?
A: We are the first and unique company in Italy specialized in the creation of Plans of action for Amazon. This website and all its foreign versions are in property of Akkountweb Srls.

Q: Who is Daniele Rutigliano?
A: Mr. Daniele Rutigliano is one of the Italian experts in e-commerce. Moreover he is the founder and the sole director of the two companies Akkountweb and Aproweb (a web agency).

Q: Do your consultants work or have worked for Amazon?
A: No, our consultants have never worked for Amazon. Our company has gained experience day after day in the creation of Plans of action. We do not depend on Amazon.

Q: Are you lawyers?
A: No, we are not lawyers. We are experts specialized in Plans of action for Amazon.

Q: Why do you have so much information about plans of action and the deactivation of Seller accounts?
A: Because in 2015 we decided to become experts in the creation of plans of action for Amazon. Everything we know (and we are still learning) is the result of different elements: our daily experience; learning from the mistakes; the creation of several and different plans of action.

Q: Do you have a connection with Amazon.
A: No, we do not work with Amazon Inc. We are independent consultants.

Our service

Q: What do you offer?
A: We provide you assistance for the reactivation of Amazon Seller accounts and for the writing of a Plan of action.

Q: Do you follow a format to write the plan of action?
A: No, we use the format indicated by Amazon. What makes the difference is our experience.

Q: Do you offer monthly assistance for deactivated Amazon seller accounts?
A: No, we do not. We sell our service for a single deactivation of your account.

Q: What to you need in order to write a plan of action?
A: We need the following documents:

  • Chamber of Commerce registration;
  • a copy of the notification of the deactivation of your account;
  • other documents (it depends on the case);
  • taking a look at your Seller Central account.

Q: How do you organize your service?
A: After a first contact with one of our consultants, we need you to send us your Chamber of Commerce registration so that we can prepare a contract and send it to you as a PDF. After reading it, if you decide to rely on us for your plan of action, you should re-send us the contract signed and the confirmation of the payment done. After the transfer is done, one of our consultants will start to write the plan of action.

Q: Do you reactivate the other markets of Amazon (for example Amazon.de, Amazon.fr etc.)?
A: Yes, we reactivate all the markets of Amazon.

Q: Thanks to your help is it possible to reactivate all the markets of Amazon or only one of them?
A: If more markets are deactivated for the same reason the reactivation of one market will determine the reactivation of the others. If the markets are deactivated for different reasons (for example Amazon.fr is deactivated for ODR, Amazon.de is deactivated for counterfeiting, etc), in that case you will need to send different plans of action and you should sign a contract for each market/problem.

Q: How much time do you need to write a plan of action?
A: The time to write a plan of action depends on the reason of the deactivation and our daily work. After our first contact with the Seller via email or phone call we need about 5 working days. However, you might ask us to write a plan of action with urgency by an extra cost and with an immediate payment.

Q: When do you start to work at my case?
A: We start to work for your issue after we receive the payment and the contract signed.

Q: Do you send the plan of action to Amazon?
A: No, we do not. After writing the plan of action we send it to the Seller. Then it is the Seller that sends to Amazon the plan of action through its email address or “Appeal” section on the account.

Q: What happens if Amazon refuses also your Plan of action?
A: We modify and ameliorate the plan of action with more details without extra costs.

Q: Thanks to your service, is it possible to have the funds blocked back?
By writing a good plan of action the account will be reactivated and the funds will become available.

Privacy and confidential information

Q: How do you protect our privacy and data?
A: In the contract that you sign with us there is a confidentiality clause.

Access to Amazon Seller Central

Q: Why do you need to access to my Amazon Seller Central account?
A: In order to write a detailed plan of action we need to reconstruct what happened. All the information we need can be found in your Seller Central.

D: Sono obbligato a mostrarvi il mio Seller Central?
R: No. Tuttavia permetterci la visione aumenta la qualità del Piano di Azione e la probabilità di riapertura dell’account.


D: Quanto costa il vostro servizio?
R: Per avere maggiori informazioni sui costi e dunque un preventivo è necessario compilare il modulo presente in questa pagina e inviare a [email protected] il messaggio di Amazon che ti notifica la rimozione dei privilegi di vendita: sarete richiamati quanto prima.

Q: Am I obliged to let you access to my account?
A: No, we do not force you. It is recommended because a vision of your account will let us write a more detailed plan of action and the possibility to reactivate your account will increase.


Q: How the payment should be done?
A: At the moment it is possible to pay by bank transfer.

Q: Is it possible to pay by credit card?
A: No you cannot. At the moment it is possible to pay only by bank transfer.

Q: Is it possible to pay by PayPal?
A: No you cannot. At the moment it is possible to pay only by bank transfer.

Q: Can we pay when you send us the Plan of action?
A: No you cannot. The payment is in advance and it is done when you sign the contract.

Q: May we pay in advance a 50% when we sign the contract and the remaining part only when and if the account is reactivated?
A: No, you may not. In order to respect our job all the payment must be done in advance.

Q: May we pay in installments?
A: No, you may not. The payment must be done in advance and in a unique tranche.

Q: What is your IBAN?
A: Our bank details are:

Unicredit SpA – Via Giovanni XIII, 70126 Bari BA
IBAN: IT 09 P020 0804 0230 0010 6095 934
Recipient: Akkountweb Srls
Object: Plan of Action


Q: Do you issue the invoice for your service?
A: Yes, we issue the invoice according to the Italian law.

Right of withdrawal

Q: If I am not satisfied about your service is it possible to terminate the contract and ask for the refund of the payment done?
A: No, you cannot. The right of withdrawal can be used only for private consumers who buy products online. It is not applicable for companies or professionals.


Q: Why should I rely on your company for the creation of my plan of action?
A: Because we are specialized in the creation of plans of action since 2015 and we have a lot of experience.

Q: Do you guarantee the reactivation of the account with the creation of your plan of action?
A: No, we cannot assure you the reactivation of the account because it is Amazon that decides to reactivate or not the account.

Q: May I request you a refund (even if partial) if you are not able to reactivate my account?
A: No, you cannot request a refund because the payment is related to a performance and service (creation of a plan of action and consultation) that we have already done.


Q: Do you work with other web agencies or professionals?
A: No, we do not. We work only with the web agency Aproweb Srl and we do not collaborate with others (consultants, web designers, ecommerce managers, etc). We work directly with the Seller.

Q: Is it possible to resell your service?
A: No, you cannot. We are working only and exclusively with Amazon Sellers.

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