Our team consists of Amazon Suspension Experts specialized since many years in the creation of Plans of action. We present them as follows:

Daniele Rutigliano
He is an Amazon Experts for many companies and the sole owner of the two companies Akkountweb and Aproweb. Moreover, he is the author of the book “Ecommerce Vincente” (Winning Ecommerce) with more than 6,000 copies sold and, from 2015 to 2017, he has been writing some articles for the Millionaire about E-commerce. He is also a Web marketing Professor in different schools and universities like the ITA (Italian Trade Agency), the Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Naples, the LUM University. He took part as speaker in different events about the digital industry: SMLX in Milan, BeWizard!, Meet Magento Italy, and WebUpdate. In addition, he is the creator and moderator of Netcom Forum in Milan and the Webecom, the largest ecommerce event in southern Italy. For more information you can visit his official website
We highlight that in our team there are not lawyers and that we do not have contacts with the Performance Team of Amazon.